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Эссе на тему: "Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vegetarian"

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The topic of this essay is “Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vegetarian”. A vegetarian is a person who does not consume any type of meat product. The reasons that people choose to have this type of diet can be for many different reasons, but they are often related to morals, health, or religion. The vegetarian diet has come underneath quite a bit of fire in the recent years, arguers believe that vegetarians cannot get the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals without meat incorporated in their diet. However, supporters of vegetarianism point out time and time again all of the ways that they receive the same things that meat eaters do.
So, let`s consider the main advantages of a vegetarian diet:
1. Low blood pressure. Researchers said for some people, eating a vegetarian diet could be a good way to treat high blood pressure without medication.
2. Lower risk of death. According to a massive study, vegetarians live 20% longer. With none of the saturated fat and cholesterol that clogs arteries, vegetarians may be at a lower risk for chronic diseases overall.
3. It can benefit the environment. If we really want to reduce the human impact on the environment, the simplest and cheapest thing anyone can do is to eat less meat. Behind most of the joints of beef or chicken on our plates is a phenomenally wasteful, land- and energy-hungry system of farming that devastates forests, pollutes oceans, rivers, seas and air, depends on oil and coal, and is significantly responsible for climate change.
4. Lower risk of diabetes. A vegetarian diet probably won’t cure your diabetes. But it may offer some benefits over a non vegetarian diet — such as reducing your risk of some diabetes-associated complications and possibly even making your body more responsive to insulin.
But there are some significant disadvantages:
1. It’s The Circle of Life
The food chain exists for a pretty good reason. Animals kill in order to feed themselves, and humans are no different at all. Eating meat is a natural part of life, and it provides great benefits to the people who consume it as well as the animals. Over population is a large problem, and eating meat helps to ease this problem.
2. Deficiencies Aren’t Good. There are some types of vitamins and minerals that can only be obtained through animal meats. One of these is the vitamin B-12, which provides benefits to the entire body. Some of the other types of things that can only be obtained through the consumption of meat such as omega-3 fats and other omega fatty acids, all of which play vital roles in the body’s functions.
3. Best Source of Protein. Protein is what give our body the energy that it needs to move, breathe, and do just about everything. Trying to find adequate alternatives to protein can be time consuming, expensive, and quite frankly, un appetizing. Animal products, like meat, are readily available, cost effective, simple to prepare, and quite tasty as well.
The big disadvantage of being a vegetarian is the trouble of protein intake. The best way to receive protein is to eat meat, but vegetarians do not have that option. There are different ways to get protein in different foods and it is important that you ensure you are getting enough protein.
It can be concluded that if you have chosen the path of vegetarianism, you should monitor your diet, eat normal protein, iron per day, if it`s not possible, it is necessary to take synthetic vitamins and minerals. Any person, even non-vegetarian needs to be controlled and do not exceed the norm of meat consumption because everything is healthy.
The topic of this essay is “These are the days of our lives: advantages and disadvantage of being a student”. Many students seek to continue their education in higher education, based on the advice and support of parents and friends who have already had experience of studying at the University. Is it worth devoting a few years of life and become a student?
In our normal life, study is not only for find a good job, but also have a numbers of reasons, that is study motivation. Generally, motivation can drive students get more power to do the action in order to close their goals, therefore, motivation as a people's behavior existed in our life.
After you crossed the threshold of the University, a new section of your history began. Now the influence of parents on your fate will be a little less, and the decisions in most cases you make yourself. Yes, not everyone can agree with me now. Someone is still in the parents ' house. But most of the number of students enrolled in the University are out of town. They left the places where they grew up, and now live an independent life. The сhicks grew up, learned to fly and left their native nest. Now you are responsible for yourself.
Advantages of students:
- There is depth study of the subject areas necessary for the development of a profession. It is impossible to imagine a self-taught doctor or a competent linguist who learned at home from books. While studying at the University access to to understanding untrained information and the opportunity to immediately apply the knowledge opens: workshops, course, summer practice, and, of course, the thesis.
- Academic community. The University is one of the best places to make useful acquaintances or professional connections. At any Department there are teachers who combine the position of a researcher with work in a commercial firm, or active scientists-researchers with a strong scientific group. The choice of a supervisor for a diploma solves a lot: under good circumstances, a proposal to go to graduate school may follow, or a student will be recommended to the employer.
- Extra-curricular activities. Almost every job requires not only special knowledge, but also developed personal skills. The makings of a leader can be shown by participating in the work of the student council of the faculty or the University: the experience of organizing events, the notorious work in the team and the ability to achieve the desired from the boss (Dean or rector) will not just be the standard lines in the summary "about yourself", but will have a real basis. There are a lot of opportunities: the editor of the faculty newspaper, administration of the Department or faculty website, creation of posters for events, participation in sports teams and choir or orchestra – they study not only at the University lectures.
But there are some disadvantages of being a student:
- Training program. Of course, the educational program includes not only courses in the chosen specialty, but also not related to it: for example, philosophy is required to be studied by almost everybody. On the one hand, higher education implies the general erudition of a student, but, on the other, many would prefer to introduce additional couples in their profession instead of studying the history of religion at the faculty of natural science. Fortunately, now many universities introduce a system of elective courses when a student studies an interesting general subject.
- Few students can effectively combine work and study due to the huge volume of home and independent work, and find a job at the department is problematic. Therefore, before entering the University, especially in another city, you should consider the sources of funding. A good option is to get a job in the specialty, an assistant specialist or an Intern in any Department to develop professional skills.
Student life will be remembered for many years. New acquaintances, friends, knowledge and correctly placed priorities will become a vital help in future. You should carefully choose an educational institution, as well as specialty – this choice should be personal, based on your own desires and interests. The main skills that the University gives to its students-the ability to learn, to search for information, to organize their activities – will help to take place in any profession.
The topic of this essay is : “How to do well in a job interview”.
To interview well for a job you must be prepared and that preparation begins long before the interview.
Knowing where to go for your interview and how long a company’s been around isn’t good enough. The more information about the company that you can gather, the better you will do in your interview. Learn about the company’s culture, how many people it employs, and the type of people they employ, etc.
One of the most common mistakes made during the interview process is that the interviewee acts the way he/she think the interviewer wants them to be.
Be yourself, answer honestly but always keeping mind you are selling yourself. Answer questions with the position in mind, stressing skills, accomplishments, and experience that are relevant.
Listen carefully to the question the interviewer is asking.
Listen to the words and to the intonations, which can present subtle messages. Never jump to answer before the interviewer is finished speaking.
Show your interviewer just how interested you are in the position.
Demonstrate just how motivated you are throughout the interview. Leave no doubt in the interviewer’s mind of just how much you want this position.
The interview should be a two-way conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee, so have all your questions ready before the interview.
If you have other questions that arise during the interview don’t be afraid to ask them. Interviewers like candidates that are engaged in the process.
You should always wear traditional business attire or casual business attire for causal work environment.
Even if the workplace is a blue jeans work environment that’s not how you should show up for your interview. For financial, insurance, or other similar work environments traditional business attire is a must. The only exception to business attire is if you are applying in a trendy establishments that expects its workers to look trendy. More interview opportunities are lost because the wrong attire was worn.
Besides editing your interview several times for grammatical errors and spelling, you should read your interview like you are the interviewer and know nothing about you.
The Skype interview is becoming more popular than ever, and has been a great way for employers to weed out employees that may not be a good fit during the first or second round of interviews. So, find a place with good lighting and a simple professional background, dress up and groom properly, and test your camera and microphone beforehand to make sure you're ready for the interview.
Most jobs require an element of team work, so this is a good aspect to focus on when thinking about answers to this interview question.
By pointing out to the interviewer the specific benefits of hiring you for this job, rather than giving a rambling autobiography, you will be positively remembered and set yourself apart from the other candidates.
Finally, good behaviors in the interview are the most important things.
The topic of this essay is “The rules of attraction: what makes some people more attractive than other men and women?” Have you ever wondered what you find most attractive in people? Is it their facial features, the way they dress, their style, their intellect? Or is it something you can’t really put your finger on? Attraction is really one of the greatest mysteries out there. But it looks like psychologists have finally found what makes people attractive.
According to a study conducted by scientists and professors at the University of Lubeck, the strongest predictor of attraction is not physical appearance, but emotional understanding. Thus, when we feel confident we’ve read someone’s emotions correctly and understood them, we find those people more attractive.
This means that a person’s level of attractiveness depends highly on the perception of the viewer and their brain, not only on the sender’s brain. It’s about how well the two match in the end. The reverse is also true. When we’re attracted to someone, we’re more likely to want to understand their emotions.
In the past, people thought that attraction was mostly based on physical appearance and genetic compatibility. It turns out things are slightly different. According to this new recent study, emotional connection is at the basis of the reason why we may find one person more appealing than others.
Everyone can be attractive to someone but on a grandscale society sets it's own qualities for attraction at a universal level.
That's why you hear about breakups in attractive people relationships simply because someone based their laws of attraction on what society taught them to expect and not on what they individually find very attractive. The effect of a great sense of humor on women's attractions might be partially explained by the fact that funny people are considered to be more social and more intelligent, things that women seek in a mate. Researchers have shown that open, physically confident postures give you an attraction advantage when you first meet someone. And try standing comfortably, since that might help, too.
Telling people to smile more is the most annoying thing ever. Women in particular get told to smile way too often.
However, in two experiments, researchers in Switzerland examined the relationship between attractiveness and smiling. They found that the stronger the smile, the more attractive a face looked. In fact, a happy facial expression compensated for relative unattractiveness.
All of which is to say: In your day-to-day life, carry whatever expression you damn well please. But if you're trying to woo a boo, flashing them a frequent grin probably wouldn't hurt.
Personality characteristics may be linked to facial attractiveness, such that positive personality characteristics can promote facial attractiveness, whereas negative personality characteristics can reduce facial attractiveness.
Science has discovered that we are attracted to the face more than any other part of the body; specifically, the symmetry of the face. A symmetrical face will be equal on both sides and demonstrates phenomenal genes. When we analyze the body of the opposite sex, we look for ideal body ratios.
Generally, a happy person, and happy people are automatically more attractive than people who are constantly upset over something. Smiling faces are deemed more attractive, and smiling whilst looking directly into the eyes of another person makes you seem even more attractive, being comfortable within your own skin is attractive and that means having your own point of view, likes and dislikes, and ideas and interests.
The topic of this essay is : “Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?”
Beauty has always been a key to unlock many doors, it plays an important role on human relationships. However, the definition of beauty varies from person to person. In this essay, the definition of beauty, the relativity of the understanding of beauty, and the question of wheter beauty is only skin deep or not will be argued. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that each person sees things differently. Someone or something that one finds beautiful, another person does not. That is why, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. As to skin-deep, beauty is not only skin-deep.
Beauty is something subjective. It depends on the personality, the country one lives and the culture she or he lives. By deciding for yourself what you consider beautiful, can be defined as “delighting the sense sor emotional admiration”. For example, if one looks at a painting and says “I like the colors and impression that it gave to me”, then it is obvious that he or she finds it beautiful. If one looks at another painting and says “What is this Picture about? It is nonsense.”, then it might not be beautiful to the person. That is why, beautiful or the state of being beautiful is totally subjective.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder can be justified if one person sees someone as beautiful and someone else doesnt, there is no set definition of what is beautiful and everyone else has their own standards. There may be a generalization of what is considered beautiful but that does not mean everybody adheres to those standards.
When you say that no one falls in love with someone who is ugly, you are basing that on your idea of what ugly is, and just like how everyone has a different concept of what it is to be beautiful, everyone also has their own idea of what being ugly is.
Telling someone a lie that they are pretty is not doing so because they are complying with utilitarianism views, they are telling them that because they are being nice to them and want to be respectful to them.
Yes there are events that judge who is the most beautiful, like Miss Universe, but that does not mean everybody agrees with the ruling. I personally thought Miss Philippines should have won, others may think someone else should have won, and that happens because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder/judge.
A mother may not believe their deformed child is the most beautiful, they will however love that child regardless of the condition of the child. That relates to mother-child ties not the perception of beauty.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder because each and every person has their own idea of what beauty is. There is no universally accepted standard of what a beautiful person looks like, so people can set their own standards and thus be their own judge of what beauty is. We all obviously have different tastes. What appears beautiful to one person may seem ugly or not so beautiful to another. It is the person who is looking (the beholder) who has to form his or her own opinion whether a particular person, place or object is beautiful.
The topic of this essay is : Do you believe that travel can help you escape from your problems? Some have restless souls trying to find happiness in external things like adventure and experiences, in other words, they’re trying to escape from who they are right now – hoping to change. Some are dreamers running away from society hoping to find an escape somewhere else or to find an answer telling them that life doesn’t have to be the way people force it to be.
Travel gives us new experiences, memories, and even aids our way towards self-discovery. Few people ever change or make memories by staying in the same place doing the same things. Travel introduces us to new challenges, new scenery, and new people.
A huge part of our daily problems remains in the context in which these problems appeared, and thus you think about them regularly. When you are stressed, your thoughts obviously cannot be positive and optimistic. So, whether you want it or not, you will view your life situation from a rather pessimistic perspective, assuming the worst case scenarios, and so on. However, when you board a plane, fly over the seas (or at least head to the neighboring state where you have never been before), you almost immediately start to feel your problems fade. "Out of sight, out of mind," as the saying goes, and pulling yourself out of the environment where everything reminds you of your misfortunes can curative. Of course, I am not saying the easiest way to feel better is to escape from problems; I rather mean that taking a break, allowing yourself to breathe in some fresh air can give you a new perspective, or at least distract your mind from ruminating on the same situation over and over again, Having a good rest is a necessary condition of any recovery, and your mind could definitely need rest from time to time.
Speaking of new perspectives, when traveling, you will inevitably meet a lot of new people. Some of them will become friends of yours, some will remain strangers. Regardless of whether you prefer hotels or hostels, hitchhiking or airplanes, tropical resorts or ancient European towns, you will be always surrounded by people. A good idea would be to make some acquaintances and communicate. For a rather long time, psychologists have known that perhaps the most honest and sincere communication often occurs between strangers; this is called "the companion effect.
Besides, when traveling, you learn to live in the moment. "Enjoy your life, live in the moment!" is the phrase usually associated with doing all kinds of reckless things, and is often used by hysterically-optimistic "positive-thinking" people around their 30s.
Any journey, however, is a fresh set of situations, circumstances, coincidences, all of which intertwine in the most peculiar combinations, so you cannot apply your previous life experiences to them; therefore, you need to adapt.
Traveling is not a panacea. It will not eradicate your pain if you have lost someone dear, or go through a divorce, or go bankrupt. It will not magically dissolve your problems: when you come back home, they will still be there. Traveling will do nothing about the unfair/complicated/rough world you live in. But it will do something to you. It will teach you that you are not alone: that millions of people around the world rejoice and suffer in the same ways you do; that they face the same problems as you do; that they fight and overcome obstacles in the same ways you do. Along with some psychological support and comfort you might get from this knowledge, you will learn to enjoy the simple beauty of moments: seeing or experiencing something for the first time will draw your mind away from mentally chewing on the same, old topics, and push your consciousness into the stillness of perceiving novelty. You will become more flexible and adaptive, because you will have no other choice: being a traveler will quickly teach you to improvise. All this, as well as other effects traveling will have on you, will help you recover from your mental wounds, get rid of the excessive stress, and give you the skills to deal with your hardships as you return home.
The topic of this essay is “The best family holiday destination”. The fast pace of modern life can make it hard to find the time to really appreciate your loved ones. That's why it is so important to get your family holiday just right. I want to tell you about my family`s rest in Budva Riviera in Montenegro.
Is a place for a classic beach holiday. There are mainly large sand or pebble beaches. Cities can be divided into the following categories: Budva is the most popular resort - tourist mecca Montenegro - characterized by a large number of places for young people - bars, diskobars, casinos that are open until morning.
If you want a quiet family holiday in Budva it is better to choose the apartments not close to the beach area. Also there is near Budva another popular beach resort - Becici and Rafaylovichi which differ long sand beaches and good infrastructure. Petrovac is the second most popular resort oriented for vacation with family and children. It is quite compact town with a good infrastructure
There are a supermarket, many shops and cafes on the waterfront, two beaches - urban and Lucica, which is a bit away, but very spacious and beautiful. Sveti Stefan - the view of Sveti Stefan is the hallmark of Montenegro. The resort itself is located on a hill , so we need to keep in mind people with children and strollers that they will have all the time ascend or descend up to the beach.
This place is mostly prefered by rich tourists, as the level of the cost of apartments is higher than in other parts of the coast. The very old city is closed to the public because there is a luxury hotel.
Depending on where you're staying, there will be a host of local things to do, which might range from getting the adrenaline going at a watersport to exploring some of the beautiful natural scenery. If you get the opportunity, the Tara River and Canyon which slice through the mountains to the central east districts of the country are particularly spectacular, as are the national parks of Biogradska Gora and Lake Skadar.
Generally, a holiday to Montenegro is cheaper than going to Greece or Croatia. This means you can expect your holiday money to go a long way. You can find good hotels in tourist centres from just 40€ a night. The restaurants serve typical Montenegrin cuisine and you can eat very well and cheaply, whilst discovering their delicious traditional cuisine.
Those wishing to make the most of Montenegro's fascinating history should make a beeline for the National Museum of Montenegro. Located in Cetinje, there is an impressive collection maintained here. Witness actual places of history by making the impressive climb to the Ostrog Monastery, which rests in a cliff face some 900 metres above the Zeta valley. There are numerous sites such as this dotted around the country - places where you can get to grips with a culture that existed many years ago. Half the fun is discovering them all.
Often called 'Montenegrin Miami' because of its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife, Budva is the biggest resort in Montenegro. With a beautiful 21km stretch of coastline, home to 17 incredible beaches, it is no wonder that this Montenegrin coastline is one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world.
Montenegrin cuisine has not been adapted to suit modern children’s’ tastes. It is mostly grilled meat, pasta and pizza. Usually, restaurants and cafes do not have a special menu for children. The most suitable items on a regular menu are chorba (thick broth-based soup), boiled potatoes, veggies, pasta and pizza.
Supermarkets offer a variety of packaged food for young children and babies. The most popular manufacturer is Hipp.
Montenegrins’ attitude towards children in general can be summarised as really special. If a family with a small child gets on a taxi, the driver will slow down and avoid any road bumps. Montenegrins smile at children, pat them, give them small gifts or simply chat with them. Restaurants and hotels in Montenegro always pay special attention to children. This is all a winning formula if you are here on holiday with children.
Montenegro is becoming more and more popular for families with children. It is a safe and pleasant country.
The topic of this essay is “What is your favorite work of art, and why?”.In this topic I would like not about my favorite work of art, but the work that impressed me, showed that art is everywhere, even in advertisements. The topic of this essay is the picture of Andy Warhol “Campbell’s Soup Cans”. The main aim of the essay is to describe the chosen picture, define its meaning and its role in the world of art.
The artist or the analyzed picture was very famous and well-paid American artist. He was a founder of the commercial pop-art, he was able to catch the wave of rising consumption in The USA. He became famous in the 60-s, when each producer of goods was fighting for the customers, for the bigger part in the domestic and foreign markets, so they had to find ways to attract customers` attention.
In each picture there is a jar of a certain kind of soup. The jar extended approximately 300-400 grams, the upper part is red and the other half is painted with white color. The name of the company is located at the top of the jar, written in beautiful italic. At first it may seem that red color is chosen from the point of view of psychology, because it whets the appetite and acts as a motivator to purchase. However, it was much easier. One of the founders of the company in the early twentieth century liked the red-and-white uniform of his favorite football team, that is why soup cans were painted in these two colors. In the middle of a tin a medal is situated, it was printed there since the company had won the first price in Europe. The medal is painted with a gold color that symbolizes the victory of the brand, gold rim frames the top of the can. At the bottom of the cans in black and red letters the types of soup are written in a boldface type.
Rumors are about that Andy Warhol liked this soup and ate it twice a day. His family was poor, and maybe because of it, he was obsessed with consumption. I think that the main idea of the artist, was to reflect how the arts can overlap with marketing, the modern world of consumption, of competition. You can call his work just a still life because the artist surrounded himself with this product and was a loyal customer of the company, but on the other hand, he painted all kinds of soups, perhaps he wanted to show the variety of goods that society can get in the modern world. Most importantly, he wanted to show that art can be found everywhere, including on the shelves of the store, so he looked at the time where advertising industry was still poorly developed. The artist wanted to make it clear that art should be not only understandable, but also available to anyone, that artist doesn`t require a certain Muse, she can meet him even in everyday products. The merit of the artist is that he was not afraid to reflect his thought in this work. He used different techniques in the depiction of his paintings, used photography. This picture has become his trademark, it encourages young artists to be closer to the viewer, to be simpler and clearer.
Repeating the same image at the same scale, the canvases stress the uniformity and ubiquity of the Campbell's can. At the same time, they subvert the idea of painting as a medium of invention and originality. Visual repetition of this kind had long been used by advertisers to drum product names into the public consciousness; here, though, it implies not energetic competition but a complacent abundance. Outside an art gallery, the Campbell's label, which had not changed in over fifty years, was not an attention-grabber but a banality.
With Andy Warhol's Campbell's soup cans, Warhol drastically changed the entire concept of art at that time. Rather than choosing any of the other art topics, he used mechanical objects of commercial subject while emphasizing their packaging. As he used multiple variations of the soup cans, he built some respect for the technique of repetition. With this kind of art, the presentation becomes more important that the object that is being presented. Andy Warhol’s Campbell's soup was something widely consumed and used in the US during that time, due to which the paintings were so heartedly welcomed by the masses. All in all, Andy Warhol’s Campbell soup paintings were not repetitions of artwork, but an artwork theme that everyone loved.
The topic of this essay is “Comment on the quotation by Mother Teresa : “Love begins at home”. Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the action that we do. Without love from your family children will grow up and won't know what love is or how to love.
Love is important in a family to ensure a harmonious ambience in the family. Nobody can escape from the feeling of love. Feelings and emotions are built in within our biological system, there is no way anyone can escape the feeling of affection and love. It allows you to build an intimate relationship with others, it makes you feel complete, and to a certain extent, it is why people live in this world.
There are plenty of cases whereby people can do something extraordinary and sacrifice without requesting anything in return for the people that they love. This simply shows that love is the most important thing in life, and not money.
People who have a family and love their family will want to do better to provide their family with a better quality of living. People who are in love will want to perform better for their partner too. Plus, if you are in love with your work and you are passionate about it, you will do your best to deliver extraordinary results. When we feel loved, we are more willing to help others. And when we help others, we make ourselves feel better.
Happy people understand that only a wonderful environment inside the family can bring up healthy and full-blown children.
A happy family is the most comfortable ground for children to grow up and become successful people. Parents look like gods in the eyes of their children. That’s why it’s important for parents to accept the responsibility for their actions and words.
It’s just as important (and satisfying) to give love, as it is to get it. In fact there is abundant data proving that giving is an even better predictor of mental health than receiving. The work of American psychologist Arthur Nikelly reveals that community participation and socially interested living even has a moderating effect on disease outcomes.
Despite the fact that we are wired for empathy – mirror neurons in our brains mimic, or mirror, the emotional experience of others – we still need practice. Kids need to flex those empathy muscles. They need to learn to “do” love.
Allowing children to go into the world not knowing to do things for themselves can actually teach them to take acts of love for granted, or not notice them at all. Allowing children to do for themselves boosts their self-esteem and also shows them how to appreciate the occasional favor or helping hand as the act of love it is.
By making participation in household chores a daily expectation you send the message that their contributions count. While toddlers may not be able to do much heavy lifting, age-appropriate jobs can include tidying their clothes and toys, or washing vegetables while you prepare dinner.
We should involve children in helping others in all the different ways that we do. Love is part of helping others too, even if they are strangers. It could be as simple as stopping the car to let a stray dog pass, adopting a dog from a pet boutique selling dog collars and harnesses, donating to charity or helping an elderly.
Explain to them that what goes around comes back around, what we sow today we shall reap tomorrow.
Children, who have grown up in happy families, usually reach their goals with ease and have more chances to live their life to the fullest.Teaching our children how to express the way he or she feels is essential in developing his emotional skills and balance. And I find the most beautiful thing to teach our little one is how to understand, feel and express love. Little children are like sponges; they absorb everything they see and hear around them, and pour it all out at a later time. Love is a wonderful character trait that every parent aims to build in their child’s personality. Here are some steps in which you can help them learn and imbibe love.

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работа выполнена раньше срока,все четко по смыслу,рекомендую исполнителя
star star star star star
Уральский федеральный университет
Работа выполнена досрочно, на качественном уровне, доработка не потребовалось. Преподават...
star star star star star
Все выполнено идеально и раньше срока. Поправки были все учтены. Исполнителя рекомендую!
star star star star star

Последние размещённые задания

Ежедневно эксперты готовы работать над 1000 заданиями. Контролируйте процесс написания работы в режиме онлайн

Сделать презентацию

Презентация, Товарная номенклатура внешнеторговой деятельности

Срок сдачи к 20 апр.

только что

Объем - не менее 5 стр (больше 15 тоже не нужно) основного текста (без...

Эссе, Бизнес-планирование инновационных проектов

Срок сдачи к 19 апр.

5 минут назад

Составить реферат на 20стр на английском языке

Реферат, Английский язык

Срок сдачи к 23 апр.

6 минут назад

Дипломная работа. По образцу из фото.

Диплом, Социально Культурная Деятельность, культурология

Срок сдачи к 2 мая

7 минут назад
8 минут назад

Тема: уголовная ответственность за незаконную охоту

Курсовая, уголовное право

Срок сдачи к 25 апр.

8 минут назад

Анализ товарооборота

Решение задач, Статистика

Срок сдачи к 19 апр.

9 минут назад

До 14:00 19 апреля

Онлайн-помощь, Адвокатская деятельность, юриспруденция, право

Срок сдачи к 19 апр.

10 минут назад

Война в Ираке?2003?

Реферат, Конфликт

Срок сдачи к 24 апр.

11 минут назад
11 минут назад

Подготовить речь на 5-7 минут, ВКР пришлю.

Доклад, Управление водным транспортом

Срок сдачи к 20 апр.

11 минут назад
11 минут назад

Тема: управление сервером 25-30 страниц

Курсовая, Эксплуатация объектов сетевой инфраструктуры, информатика

Срок сдачи к 19 апр.

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Философия реферат

Реферат, Философия

Срок сдачи к 22 апр.

11 минут назад

Подготовить реферат на тему: История развития дартс

Реферат, Физкультура

Срок сдачи к 1 мая

11 минут назад

Поднять оригинальность работы и исправить текст ии 30 страниц

Курсовая, Макроэкономика

Срок сдачи к 26 апр.

11 минут назад
planes planes
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