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Implementation of automation in the field of working environment

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Today our world develops rapidly and people have very high requirements such as cars, clothes and etc. Therefore, the implementation of automation in the field of working is topical thing; people cannot keep up coping with everything. Automation boost the process of production and facilitates our life but unfortunately, it can result in dire consequences. This article examines the process implementation of automation in the field of working and its consequences. Our theoretical mythology includes modeling, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, from simple to difficult and finally we analyze some different articles about the process of automation. We found that, although the automation boosts the process of production and facilitates our life but unfortunately, it can result in dire consequences. In fact, we believe the importance of automation is only going to increase for the organizations of the future, given automation’s promise of better service, cost containment or reduction, reduced errors, and so on. Not everyone is as optimistic, of course, and some even caution that we are entering an era of ever-widening gaps in equality and rising social tensions. As a result, we highlighted advantages and disadvantaged of the workforce automation and four success factors for making it.
Key words: automation, technological progress, robots, sector jobs, workforce automation.
The economic growth of various countries, including Russia, is ensured by scientific and technological progress in all areas of production. Market relations in Russia are developing quite intensively and therefore it can be concluded that today it is impossible to achieve sustainable success, remaining within the framework of the previous enterprise production management system. It requires periodic improvements, as well as the development and application of new technologies that are suitable at this stage of their activities to each enterprise. Modern technologies in the 21st century help to not only improve production technologies, but also significantly facilitate its activities. So, to obtain the highest results of their activities, enterprises are switching to automation of technological processes.
Automation is the use of electronics and computer-controlled devices to assume control of processes. The goal of automation is to boost efficiency and reliability. In most cases, however, automation replaces labor. In fact, economists today fear that new technology will eventually push up unemployment rates significantly. But according to PC Magazine, automation by definition is: “Replacing manual operations with electronics and computer-controlled devices. For example, ‘office automation’ replaced manual typewriters, filing cabinets and paper appointment books with computer applications” (Encyclopedia, 2019). But machine can this machine cannot do anything without the help of a person, therefore, the management and adoption of the most responsible decisions remains the person.
Problem statement
Ideal: Ideally today automation has a great development in the field of workforce.
Reality: In reality this automation progress facilitates our life and work conditions because it replaces life-threaten and complicated works.
The automation progress leads to a great increase of unemployment because the majority of works can be made by robots;
Technological progress may lead to an increase in the level of opportunity-driven and growth-oriented start-ups. For instance, how the introduction of a radical innovation such as 3D printing technology has led to the emergence of entrepreneurial opportunities in very different fields ranging from the creation of personalized sculptures from a photo to constructing prototype models of industrial and architectural design to printing out artificial bones and creating three-dimensional human brain models for surgical planning.
The risk of automation is negatively correlated with the probability of becoming an entrepreneur, both with and without employees.
Research questions
What is mean the automation of workforce?
What are the different kinds of automation?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of the process of workforce automation?
What are the consequences of the process of workforce automation?
What do think different scientists, politicians or economists about this problem?
What are the factors for successful workforce automation?
Purpose of the study was to consider and analyze the implementation of workforce automation and identify its importance for the 21th century.
Research methods
In this scientific article, I used theoretical research methods because the whole works based on some articles and books and my analysis of this problem. This type of research methods includes modeling, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, from simple to difficult.
The implementation of automation is a rather labor-intensive process that requires a long time and high financial costs, so enterprises that do not have sufficient financial capabilities can partially automate their enterprise. Partial automation is the automation of any particular equipment and production operations. Partial automation is often applied to equipment operating in production. Such automation of production processes is used when the production management system is complicated, and working conditions are life-threatening. Full automation is also highlighted. Full automation of production processes represents the highest level of automation at which all functions are transferred to technical devices, but the process is controlled by a person. It is worth noting that today this type of automation is rarely used. Nevertheless, despite its high cost, the effectively implemented industrial automation guarantees:
improvement of the quality of products;
growth in labor productivity;
improving the efficiency of the enterprise;
increased security. (Carlos Fortin, 2005)
In addition to the above-listed advantages, some other indicators of the functioning of automation can also be attributed to the pluses of automation, however, in addition to the positive aspects, automation also has negative ones, which are presented in Table 1. (see Tab.1) One of the most significant problem of automation is “technological unemployment”. In this connection, today there are negative views regarding the introduction of automation. Today we have a big problem and it is the lack of qualified personnel. The “old” specialists are most often encountered at production sites, and young specialists who come to enterprises often do not have experience and do not know modern work standards.
The ex-president of the USA Barack Obama said: “The next wave of economic dislocation won’t come from overseas, it will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes many good, middle-class jobs obsolete.” (Marquart, K. R., 2017) According to futurism.com, these commissions not only make it so that governments can save low to middle class jobs, but they also allow for experts to discuss and make laws/policies about safety and privacy issues that may arise from the public using AI technology. (Marquart, K. R., 2017)
There is no doubt that the process of automation is a scientific progress, however, unfortunately it will lead to some gradual impacts. Mike Turley, Global Public Sector Leader at Deloitte, says that employees will not find themselves displaced by robots overnight.
According to the article McKinsey&Company there are four success factors for workforce automation:
1.Aim high to capture clear value. There is a lot to be said for striving from the outset to be truly aspirational and transformative with your automation efforts. And very often the impact that these small automation efforts typically capture is small, and we have rarely seen companies taking this approach capture any lasting value.
2.Commit and communicate. Automation is not an effort isolated to a single business. All employees must be aware of the importance of the transformation. Communicating consistently and clearly also ensures people know they remain valued and part of the company’s plans.
3.Set up the right governance, ensure business drives change, and move quickly. Ensuring business continuity is vital for a company implementing an automation transformation. In addition, it is necessary to act quickly: the faster transformation can be delivered, the faster the payback. According to the survey of the McKinsey&Company, respondents typically expect to recoup the costs of automation implementation within six months to three years, but successful organizations tend to capture impact earlier (Exhibit 2).
4.Create internal capabilities. It is essential to fulfill its potential of providing workers with different and better jobs. Developing automation and related skills is also essential for ensuring sustainability and reducing dependence on external automation providers. (Javier Gil Gomez, Pablo Hernandez, and Rafael Ocejo, 2019)
Automation is a great process in the 21th century, which change dramatically work conditions. Almost half of the respondent executives who rated their current automation programs a success nevertheless identified two factors—managing employee resistance to change and attracting talent—as their biggest challenges to adopting automation over the next three years (Exhibit 1). Automation is significantly changing the way people work. In 2013 researchers at Oxford University estimated that around 47% of total US employment had a ‘high risk of computerisation’ over the next couple of decades – i.e. by the early 2030s. (Frey, C.B. and M.A., 2013)
By 2030, up to 861,000 UK public sector jobs may be automated, says a Deloitte and Reform report. Not only would this cut the wage bill by £17 billion, but it would also reduce the workforce by 16%. (Catharine Paddock PhD, 2016)In an article – How technology is changing manufacturing – that the Brookings Institution published online, Darrel M. West wrote that the convergence of the automation meant that robots were helping to increase overall output and save money, but not helping to add jobs. In looking at data from 2010 to 2016, manufacturing has seen 10 to 20 percent increases in output, but only a 2 to 5 percent increase in jobs. (Darrell M. West, 2016)
The process of automation has already launched, we can notice the rice of automation and robotics in many sectors. Some restaurants now are using robots to deliver food and are deploying self-ordering kiosks for customers. There are driverless cars in California, Washington, and Texas. Amazon now has around 15,000 robots who work along its 50,000 humans. (Darrell M. West, 2016)
Now it is essential to choose profession, which will be less affected by automation, otherwise you risk staying without work. And therefore the schools need to restructure their curricula so that students get better training in science, technology, engineering, and math. There is a great need for workers with STEM skills as systems analysts, software developers, and biomedical engineers, among other professions.
Plus and cons of automation
Plus Cons
Increasing the profit of the enterprise Complicating the production system
Reducing the cost of the staff Re-qualification of staff
Creating a productive system of product quality control Threats to systems hacking, vulnerability
Perfect production system Increasing unemployment rate
Effective product quality control system More pollution – different types of machines operate using motor which may require gases or chemicals in order to operate. This can cause an increase in pollution in the workplace.
Reducing product rejection Unpredictable costs – there can be several unpredictable costs that may exceed the actual cost saved by the automation itself.
Growing dynamics of new customers due to higher product quality Replacing people in hard and dangerous work Table 1. Source: Britney Blue (Payne) (18 September 2013), Advantages and Disadvantages of Automation in Manufacturing
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Exhibit 1. Source: Javier Gil Gomez, Pablo Hernandez, and Rafael Ocejo. (2019). Four success factors for workforce automation.
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